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Friendship planted, planted hope

Published: 2015-03-13
At 13:00 on March 10th, international students and a group of young enthusiastic Jing Jiang College volunteers met at Jing Lake. I..

International students in Jiangsu University take an active part to Remember Pearl S.Buck

Published: 2015-02-13
On February 10th, International students in Overseas Education College took an active part in the activity to remember Pearl S.Buc..

The Most Exciting 2014 International Cultural Festival-Part Ⅰ

Jiangsu University 4th International Cultural Festival organized by the Universal Hand-in-Hand Association and the student union of Jiangsu University both under the guidance of OEC successful took pl..

Mr. Cumba Munda, Counselor of South Sudan Embassy in China visits School of Food and Biological Engi

May 5, Mr. Cumba Munda, Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in China visited the School of Food and Biological Engineering of Jiangsu University accompanied by Mr. Li Xinchao, Depu..

Dr. Park Bieng Jong, distinguished foreign expert of JU, lectures at School of Marxism

May 6, Dr. Park Bieng Jong, a distinguished foreign expert of Jiangsu University from South Korea gave a lecture entitled “Practical materialism in “practicing Marxism in China” to undergraduates ..

Japanese and South Korean Experts visit JU for the 2nd SPIED

May 7-8, Prof. Jiang Zhongwei at Yamaguchi University of Japan and Prof. Hiesik Kim at the University of Seoul of South Korea, and Prof. Jing Tae Jin at the Kunshan National University of South Korea ..

Prof. Li Yuanlin at Brock University of Canada visits JU

Days ago, Prof. Li Yuanlin at Brock University visited Jiangsu University and held a discussion with Dean and some professors of the Faculties of Science on such issues as joint education and the cul..


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